Standard Membership

from $10.00

Standard perks of membership. No Breeder List registration See below for further descriptions.

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Individual membership are for any person over the age of 18 at the time of signing up. ‘

Family membership is for any 2 adults + unlimited children in a household

Fees are prorated and explained below.

There are 4 levels~

  1. Standard Individual Annual- Signing up between January 1 and June 30 is $20 and this give you a full year membership.

  2. Standard Individual Prorated Amount- When signing up between July 1 and December 31st there is a discounted price of $10

  3. Standard Family Annual Membership- Signing up between January 1 and June 30 is $30 and this give you a full year membership.

  4. Standard Family Prorated Amount- When signing up between July 1 and December 31st there is a discounted price of $15

    ALL membership renew January 1 with a 30 day grace period, but accounts must be paid in full by January 30.